Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02 - 12

as trainers with a group of 8-10 aspiring Technicians

based training before they even begin looking for a

who have recently graduated from being a lube Tech

job. This creates brand interest for our specific brand

in our Quicklane.  Neither of these Master Technicians

making us the employer of choice. Once the prospec-

perform any individual work on vehicles. Their work

tive student becomes our employee, we train them for

is performed through their trainees, who they guide

the responsibilities to become a successful Lube Tech.

every step of the way. In this scenario, the Superstars

This postures them for graduation to our TDP. By doing

are still here, sharing their knowledge with the future

this, our newest team members get the support they

of our business.

need to get their career started on the right path. This
also gives these new team members the confidence
of knowing there is a career path in front of them and
that they will not be forgotten in the QuickLane.
When the aspiring Technician graduates into our TDP
program, they move into Service and start working on
vehicles with the support of their trainers. They immediately start producing billable hours. During their time
in TDP, they learn how to communicate with Service
Advisors and the Manufacturer. They will also learn how
to use available resources, as well as be introduced to
needed diagnostic equipment and factory web-based
training. The program is built for each Tech to learn at
their individual rate. Most will graduate from the TDP in
8-12 months. This means that we are creating 10-12 new
Technicians per year. How would ten more productive
Technicians affect your bottom line and the ability to
service your customers in a timely manner? 

In addition to extending the career path of your Superstar Senior Master Technicians, can you see yourself
creating more Technicians and giving them a sense of
pride along the way with a program along these lines?
Imagine spending more time creating the next generation of Superstars with the Superstars we already have
and less time talking about the shortage of Technicians.
Part of the responsibilities of our
trainers is to schedule time to work
with the local Technical and High
School's students to find new candidates for our Quicklane. Building
these relationships, we are able to
introduce these students to available factory programs so they can
start manufacturer specific web-


Now that I have your attention, you may be reading
this and thinking " Sure that works for them. But it
could never work here. "   If you have that mind set, it
probably will not work. But why not think outside the
box and ask yourself, " What if we did something differently with the chance of alleviating the shortage of
Technicians by growing our own? "  

How would ten

More times than not, we do not

more productive

Superstars because it usually takes

Technicians affect

duction.  With this program, you re-

your bottom line and

want to lose the production of our
two people to replace that lost proplace that person with 4 or 5 people
outrunning the loss of production of

the ability to

your Superstar and creating our fu-

service your customers

trainers are paid with salary and by

in a timely manner? 

trainees.  They are then bonused as

ture Technicians along the way. Our
the hours that are produced by their


Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02

Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02 - 1
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02 - 2
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02 - 3
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02 - 4
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02 - 5
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02 - 6
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02 - 7
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02 - 8
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02 - 9
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02 - 10
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02 - 11
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02 - 12
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02 - 13
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02 - 14
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02 - 15
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02 - 16
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02 - 17
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02 - 18
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02 - 19
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02 - 20
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02 - 21
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02 - 22
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02 - 23
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02 - 24
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02 - 25
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02 - 26
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 02 - 27
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