we help them connect the dots and give them a target and a plan to achieve their goals. Setting short and long-term goals is important to keep people in a forward direction. Otherwise they become complacent and get into a rut. 2. Customer Service Skills. It is a lot more than, " Be nice to the customers " . There are specific customer service skills, all based on " Best Practices " , that need to be taught to our service advisors. Even the concept of, " under promise/over deliver " , needs to be explained thoroughly. 3. Service Processes are at the center of this training. When analyzing problems in a service department, it always boils down to a combination of people and process. Often, we have good people with potential to be a wonderful employee but they lack an understanding of the basic service processes. NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2020 || FIXED OPS MAGAZINE 37http://asidoors.com