THE CENTER OF SERVICE PROCESSES ARE THE BASIC SERVICE STEPS. that you care about their situation and they have not 1. The meet and greet. This is where first impressions 3. Repair order write up can take place with a tablet are crucial to building the relationship. The goal for all service advisors is to collect customers, to build a loyal following. Making the customer feel welcomed makes that first impression positive along with a tidy dress attire and workstation. committed to anything yet. during the walk-around or at the advisor's workstation just after the walk-around. The first thing that must take place is to verify the customer's basic information. We tend to rush into the details of the appointment and skip this important step. If we fail to get proper address, phone numbers and email ad- 2. The walk-around is where the relationship is taken dresses, we will suffer later when we try to commu- to the next level. This is where we gather information nicate, and when surveys are sent after the transac- and take interest in the customer's vehicle. It is right tion. Once we up-date the personal information we there in the drive. Most of the time the vehicle tells should look at the appointment details, interview the us what it needs. Are the headlamp lenses cloudy? customer, review previous m.p.i. recommendations, Do the tires look worn? Is there a torn or warped repair history and the manufacturer's web site for re- wiper blade? Is the oil change sticker on the wind- call and warranty information. shield overdue? Did the driver's door squeak when 38 you opened it? Customers feel more comfortable 4. The next step is to set or re-set expectations for and in control by, talking about their vehicle in the work completion time and pricing. This sounds brief drive than anywhere else because you are showing but must be done thoroughly.