Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 32

To really manage technician time, one must understand
how the ratios of the various times can help maximize
time utilization and impact service - revenue.
Assigned Time vs. Present Time
This ratio/percentage is called different things, depending
on the brand of store. In a Ford store, it is
called Productivity. In a GM store, it is called Utilization.
Other brands have even different terminology.
Each store needs to know what their brand calls this
ratio. This ratio ultimately tells us how much of the
technicians' Present Time was assigned and how much
they actually worked. The maximum that can be yielded
is 100%. To maximize revenue, the goal for a store
is also 100%.
Who is responsible for assuring that this happens?
Mainly, it is the Service Advisors' responsibility. Not
only do they need to sell the VOLUME of work to make
the technicians Assigned Time reach and equal their
Present Time, but they also need to sell the right TYPE
of work as well. For example, if a Service Advisor sells
a lot of work to create a backlog for the technicians
with different types of work but does not sell alignment
rack services, this might lead to a discrepancy. In
this situation, the right type of work has not been sold
even if the right volume of work has been sold.
Service dispatching plays an equally important role in
maximizing Assigned Time vs. Present Time. Whether
it is through a computer, an actual dispatcher, or in a
teams or groups scenario, work needs to be based on
a combination of tech skill and a balancing of Assigned
Time. This way the entire shop is busy throughout the
day and can maximize the use of their Present Time.
Booked Time vs. Assigned Time
Depending on the brand of store, this ratio is also
called different things. In a Ford store, it is called Efficiency
and in a GM store it is called Productivity. It
can be a little bit confusing. If only everyone would

Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03

Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 1
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 2
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 3
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 4
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 5
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 6
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 7
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 8
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 9
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 10
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 11
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 12
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 13
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 14
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 15
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 16
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 17
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 18
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 19
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 20
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 21
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 22
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 23
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 24
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 25
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 26
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 27
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 28
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Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 03 - 32
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