Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04 - 14

strategy cannot succeed. This does not mean that you
should not make a solo decision. What it does mean
is that the mission of your team's success must be a
joint effort.
After moving my small team upstairs to our new office,
I could feel the tension melt away that they had been
carrying for the previous six months. We finally had a
place all to ourselves. I knew our presence would be
missed in the lane, but not for the reasons I had hoped
we would be missed.
Prior to my involvement in launching our Service Business
Development Center, a few individuals had been
hired to address an ongoing problem
in the service drive. Service advisors
were not doing a very good
job of answering their phones or communicating with
their customers. Their poor communication resulted
in decreased customer retention as well as decreased
customer satisfaction. This challenge was one that was
shared by many automotive dealers as they struggled
to determine what was expected of each service advisor's
time. While, alternatively, no dealer expected finance
managers to simultaneously write contracts for
clients in their office and pause the experience to answer
the phone over and over, dealers often expected
service advisors to make similar problematic choices.
We were embarking on
a huge cultural shift
In this case of the service advisors, the choice was between
the attention-deserving clients standing in the
lane or the also important clients waiting on the other
end of the ringing phone. This unrealistic expectation
placed upon the service advisors set
one or both of the client experiences
up for disappointment. The solution
to this age-old problem seemed

Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04

Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04 - 1
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04 - 2
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04 - 3
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04 - 4
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04 - 5
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04 - 6
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04 - 7
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04 - 8
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04 - 9
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04 - 10
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04 - 11
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04 - 12
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04 - 13
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04 - 14
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04 - 15
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04 - 16
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04 - 17
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04 - 18
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04 - 19
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04 - 20
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04 - 21
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04 - 22
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04 - 23
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04 - 24
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04 - 25
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04 - 26
Fixed Ops Magazine - 2021 Vol18 04 - 27
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