Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 16

Understanding Why Selling Tires in
Your Store is so Difficult
elling tires might be the hottest topic other than
EVs in our industry right now. There is a war being
waged over tire sales, and dealers are losing.
Everyone is ramping up their game, from the traditional
tire chains to the newcomers like the oil change
and mobile service companies.
They all realize the same thing-that tires, alignments,
and associated around-the-wheel work will quickly become
a big part of what's left in service. And while
the aftermarket shops are making huge gains, new car
dealers have been stagnant at 8-9% market share for
over 20 years. Why is this? Answering this question
holds the key to service growth and, more importantly,
the retention every dealer needs, especially once EVs
really take hold.
So why do dealers struggle to sell
tires? The answer may shock you. It's
because no one in your dealerships
is really motivated to! Yes, it is that
simple. Let me explain.
Earlier in my career, I had the privilege to help build and
run the very first digital multipoint inspection company,
MPI. Being " digital " meant we removed the paper and
had techs do the inspection on a PC, and we did this so
we could have data to drive a better process.
There is a
war being waged
over tire sales
When I left the company, one of the last things I did
was look at the technician inspection data we had accumulated
over millions of inspections. The one thing
I remember standing out was how bad the data was
around inspecting tires. For example, it was common
for a tire to " grow tread " from one visit to the next,
and not in a manner that would suggest new tires. If
you graphed the tire wear measured during the multipoint,
it looked more like the stock market (up and
down) rather than the gradual wear you would expect
to see. The technicians were
clearly not capturing accurate measurements
and that became a lightbulb
moment for me that led me to
where I am today.

Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6

Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 1
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