Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 17

Before I start, let me be clear on one
point. What I am about to say is NOT
an indictment on the hard-working
men and women in dealerships. I
started my career as a Service Advisor,
and I know how hard that job
is. I have a saying that is appropriate
here, " There is no such thing as bad people, only bad
processes " . I believe that to be the case 99% of the time.
Why do technicians
struggle with
inspecting tires?
in some cases they don't even get
to perform the job if they find it.
What is the tech's motivation to fail
a tire? There isn't one. At this point
you are thinking, my techs wouldn't
do that! They would never allow a
customer to leave on bald tires. You are correct to
assume that, but how many " bald " tires do you see?
Almost none.
Why do technicians struggle with inspecting tires?
Lots of reasons, from inaccurate tools (cheap stick
gauges) to laziness, but the main reason is lack of motivation.
The processes and often pay plans drive this
behavior. Harsh but true.
Back when I sold a multipoint process, the number-one
reason we had pushback from techs was they
were not getting paid to do it. Thankfully, the industry
is mostly beyond this mindset, and technicians realize
that work found on a multipoint helps drive their
paycheck. But there is the problem with tires. They
don't make any money on them (very little labor) and
After scanning over 175 million tires with our TraXtion
products in dealerships, I can tell you that .01% are truly
" bald. " And why are YOU seeing so few bald tires?
Because your techs are not motivated to measure
them properly when they are NOT bald. And when it's
time for replacement, the consumer has already gone
elsewhere. So, the first thing to realize is that relying
on a multipoint inspection process to drive tire sales
probably won't deliver the results you are hoping for.
Let's look at the other side of this, the Service Advisor.
As I mentioned earlier, since the launch of my current

Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6

Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 1
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 2
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 3
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Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 16
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 17
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