Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 27

Here are Five Fixed Ops Focus Items to begin future-proofing
your dealership:
1. CULTURE - Is the culture of your dealership about
being honest, fair, and sincere with each and every
customer, or is it to maximize lines and hours per
repair order, closing ratios, and to get all that you
can get with each transaction? Is there any empathy?
Is each employee treating customers the way
they would want to be treated? For customers to get
that " Wow! " experience, the CULTURE must be noticeably
different than the competition.
2. PRICING - The funny thing
about pricing is that it's not the
most important thing for most of
today's consumers although we
often think it is the most important
thing. They want what they want
at a price that they perceive is fair.
Need proof? Look at the vehicles
coming through your Service Department.
Are most of them the
base models, mid-line, top-line, or luxury? In my experience,
base models were the least sold of all vehicles.
Consumers wanted at least mid-line up to luxury
lines. They wanted features that could be equated to
the EXPERIENCE THEY WANTED while using that
vehicle. If you provide your customers with the EXPERIENCE
THEY WANT, you can charge more, and
I'll go so far as to say you will have earned the right
and will deserve to charge more. Why? Because
you've likely invested more. You've invested the time,
energy, focus, and dollars to create a better experience.
Therefore, you've earned the right.
The funny thing about
pricing is that it's not
the most important
thing for most of
today's consumers
And how do you know that you've
earned it? The customers will be
" Wow'd! " and the price won't be the
determining factor if they proceed
with the transaction or return to
your dealership or not.
Holding a higher price does not always
mean you'll be making more
profit. If you're reinvesting the dolNOVEMBER

Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6

Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 1
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 2
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 3
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 4
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 5
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 6
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 7
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 8
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 9
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 10
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 11
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 12
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 13
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 14
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 15
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 16
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 17
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 18
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 19
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 20
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 21
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 22
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 23
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 24
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 25
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 26
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 27
Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 28
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