Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 41

question to ask yourself. The shortage
of vehicles might be good for
profits ... but a great local parts inventory
is the key to the success of
the rest of your operation.
Real quick, can you answer these
a great local parts
inventory is the key to
the success of the rest
of your operation
* What is your fill rate for parts in
service, wholesale, and ecommerce?
* What is your parts inventory turn rate?
* Are you responding to D2D requests in 10 minutes
or less?
* What were your lost sales last month... and why?
* Have you connected your special order process to
the CRM to ensure those parts are sold (and, if not,
* Are brakes and tires available for upselling to the
40K service customer coming in tomorrow?
Modern parts operations know the
answers to these questions. Advanced
systems ... which tend to be
OEM led and integrated across the
network ... have to be successful to
ensure operational service and customer
success. The workflow shift
from DMS to these systems is necessary
and the data value and transparency
are more than worth the trip.
Here are some of the tools & systems that enable dealership
and parts department profitability:
RIM uses network-wide data to automate the daily
parts stock order. Adopted by leading OEMs over the
last 20 years, RIM automates daily stock orders and
usually gives terms and conditions benefits. The best
systems are partnerships between OEMs and retailers
and significantly improve fill rates and sales opportuniNOVEMBER

Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6

Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 1
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