Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 58

Here are just a few examples of what can be measured
and analyzed in your BDC:
* Appointments - Percentage of inbound schedule
appointments appended with validated address,
email, and mobile numbers. Collected mileage.
Scheduler availability.
* Call Types - Calls by type, including status and requested
advisor. Type of service by recalls, repairs,
and maintenance. Call market area by zip code.
Transportation types.
* Agent Productivity - Percentage of TMR and presell
revenue. Percentage of promotions and promotional
revenue. Individual agent productivity and
skills. Abandonment and hold times. Transaction
time and call avoidance. Agent scheduling for workforce
management. Tracking part-time and remote
* Reporting - Automated data vs manual spreadsheets.
Automated variable agent comp tracking
and audits. Basic and advanced performance metrics.
Automated real-time ROI evaluations. Retention
and revenue growth.
BDC software can be used by agents working from
home or the road. Dealerships are no longer limited by
the local employee pool. Agents no longer have to be in
the store to handle service calls. This gives dealerships
huge flexibility in meeting staffing requirements and a
leg-up when hiring.
In addition to enhanced productivity, such metrics can
ensure accountability in a remote environment. Once
an agent logs in to the system, BDC software can measure
that person's productivity, in some cases beginning
within a tenth of a second of the call. Management will
know what the agent did and when, as well as where
the agent may need more coaching. For example, if
your dealership is running a special on air-conditioner
maintenance, you can confirm whether or not your
agents are actively promoting the special.
Metrics can identify patterns. They can show you
how many customers are placing inbound service
calls based on their vehicle's mileage, enabling you to
group such calls in buckets by zero to 10,000 miles, or
ten to twenty, twenty to thirty, and so on. Such metrics

Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6

Fixed Ops Magazine 2022 Vol 19-6 - 1
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