YOUR SERVICE INFRASTRUCTURE - IS IT AN " ENERGY AS A FUEL PROVIDER " In addition, you may want to consider the charging infrastructure you are currently implementing for yourself right now. The OEMs are providing some assistance as far as what level chargers they believe you need and how many to install. What may not be happening is looking at your individual location's geographic location and identifying how it will interact with the community as an " energy as a fuel user " and, potentially, an " energy as a fuel provider. " YOUR WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY IS WIDE OPEN As I said earlier, there is a quiet modern day gold rush taking place for charging infrastructure. This is because it is VALUABLE. Right now you have a window of opportunity to capture this resource in your growing EV customer segment. You have the opportunity to stand out in your community at your dealer location(s) as a hub and valuable resource. Giving this away now is going to cost you a truly exceptional amount of market share 32 and revenue opportunity tomorrow as well as possibly compromising your ability to continue to do business. It is up to you. Will you be on the forefront of automotive evolution or will you be left behind? Josh Robin is a Co-Founder and Principal of Cornice Technology, an EV focused company that acts internally for clients as the Responsible Party for their electrification needs by empowering businesses and communities to adopt electric vehicle ecosystems in the safest way possible. In 2021 Josh was awarded Top 100 leader in Transportation and Automotive and currently sits as the Chair for the EV and Autonomous Program at Hudson Valley Community College.