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he convergence of multiple factors in the automotive
industry might mark the summer months
of 2022 as one of the best times ever in terms of
sales opportunities for automotive maintenance service
providers. There are four major factors contributing to
this explosion of opportunities. Let me explain:
1. New Car Inventory - The shortage of
semiconductor microchips has led to the
serious depletion of new car inventory on
dealership lots across the country. There
are roughly half of the number of new cars
available for sale than there were just two years ago.
This leaves many buyers paying above MSRP for their
new vehicle, if they can even find one. Many others have
turned to the used car market.
2. Demand for Used Cars - The lack of
new car options has driven demand for
used cars to unprecedented levels. This
has led to customers paying over 40% more
for a used vehicle than just a year ago. As a result,
many potential buyers are opting to hang on to their
cars instead of trading them in and buying new or used
vehicles. In fact, the average age of vehicles on the road
is at a record high 12.2 years.
3. Record Numbers on the Road - Drivers
are hitting the road this summer in record
numbers, taking family trips that have
been put on hold for the last two years due
to the pandemic. Pre- and post-trip preventative
maintenance is not only a great sales strategy this
summer, but will also give your customers peace of mind
as they hit the road and when they return.
4. Soaring Gas Prices - Record high gas
prices dominate consumer concerns. As a
matter of fact, fuel prices have tripled from
where they were just a couple of years ago.
Traditionally, when gas prices soar, customers
decide to trade in their current vehicles in search of
more fuel-efficient options. However, the lack of new
car availability combined with record high used car
prices, leaves customers feeling trapped. Maintenance
solutions that improve fuel economy are sure to get
the attention of vehicle owners.
These factors equate to a big-time opportunity for fixed
operations. Whether customers have managed to pur

Fixed Ops Magazine - 2022 Vol19 04

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Fixed Ops Magazine - 2022 Vol19 04

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