Fixed Ops Magazine - 2022 Vol19 05 - 37

one simple question every day, " What did you do today
to make an impact? " Reality check, some days the
answer is, " Nothing! " Don't let that bother you because
tomorrow is a new day, and we get to try again. If you
evaluate and hold yourself accountable every day, you
will likely surprise yourself. On the occasions you repeatedly
let yourself down, it's time to fire yourself!
Time to bring in " The New Guy " . It's about having a
plan to attack the day rather than letting the day attack
you! Lead by example and encourage your teams
to do the same. When everyone comes in focused on
their mission, everything else falls into place.
" The New Guy " is a short story that I have passed
around to my team members from time to time during
my career as a refresher.
You walk in to work on Monday
morning, the weather is mild, not
too much traffic on the drive. The
Service Consultants are sitting at their desks drinking
their Starbucks coffee. A couple of techs are walking
in 15 minutes late, so you make a couple of comments
jokingly about their tardiness, then you proceed to
your office. Surprisingly, there is your boss, and your
boss's boss, and some new guy sitting at your desk
chuckling about something one of them saw on Facebook
the night before. This is not a good sign, so you
get a little nervous. You quickly remember your first
day at this job. You had already come in for multiple
interviews, the drug screening, and then you remembered
that Monday morning when they had you come
in early so they could show you around. In fact, they
had you sit in that same chair the mystery man is currently
occupying when the previous manager came
into work.
" What did you
do today to make
an impact?
They introduced you to the current
manager and informed him that he
was the previous manager, and you
were the new guy. You watched
them assure the previous manager
that everything was ok, and that

Fixed Ops Magazine - 2022 Vol19 05

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Fixed Ops Magazine - 2022 Vol19 05

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