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and frequently prompts add-ons. If nothing else, you
have planted seeds.
Because technicians are great at finding broken stuff,
but less so at finding overdue maintenance, advisors
who rely on technicians to find this work tend to be
less productive. So, presuming that basic Service Advisor
skills are in place, where are the key transaction
points in the write up?
Vehicle Walk-Around Inspections have been around
for years and are effective sales tools in any shop setting.
They have the advantage of identifying pre-existing
damage and obvious repair needs that are difficult
for customers to ignore. However, the real payoff
comes when advisors excuse themselves to conduct
their walk-around inspections. This shift in momentum
allows customers to slow down, relax, and become
more receptive to your sales presentation.
Multipoint Report Card Inspections (MPI), are great
sales builders and work even better when customers
know that they will be receiving one. Presenting a
blank MPI worksheet during the write up removes the
sales killing surprise that " springing " found repairs on
unprepared customers creates. When customers are
aware that their vehicles will be receiving a " complementary
visual inspection " , they will be more receptive
to your suggestions when opportunities are revealed.
Maintenance customers arrive pre-sold on the idea of
maintaining their vehicles and generally understand
that their long-term interests are served by keeping
ahead of problems. This is the perfect time to recommend
relevant current or overdue time and mileage
services. Similarly, asking if PREVIOUSLY DECLINED
SERVICES have been addressed can pay dividends.
Don't neglect customers who request only non-maintenance
diagnosis, repair, recall or warranty work
because they WILL respond to walk around and relJANUARY

Fixed Ops Magazine - 2023 Vol20 01

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Fixed Ops Magazine - 2023 Vol20 01

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