Fixed Ops Magazine - 2023 Vol20 05 - 18

While talking to Fixed Ops Directors across the country, I hear
that business is going well. Many are seeing an increase not
only in warranty, but in customer pay services as well. The best
stores are not simply riding this momentum but rather using it
to double down on training and introducing new products and
services into their service departments. In this issue you will
read about several new ideas, such as performing windshield
repair rather than outsourcing this high demand need.
We also have great articles on training, management, and
leadership that will make you think through how your store
is run each day. I am sure you will find ways to improve your
operations embedded in these stories written by authors who
are experts in their fields. I hope you enjoy reading this issue
as much as we have enjoyed assembling these great articles
for you.
If you are considering advertising in Fixed Ops Magazine,
there simply has never been a better time to reach decision
makers in Franchise Dealerships across the country. Every
month we update our subscription database, adding new
decision makers and replacing those no longer in those key
positions. Keep in mind, there are 16,682 dealers across this
country. You can reach every dealer at a cost that is extremely
affordable by simply being part of our magazine. We are one
of the few publications that allows you to share your expertise
with readers across the country by providing an article on a
subject that is your passion. Email/Text/Call me for details. I
want to help you succeed if you have an exceptional product
or program concept for our subscribers.
As the Fixed Ops Community continues to grow, we thank you
for making our magazine one of the great meeting places for
new ideas and solving complex issues. Follow us on LinkedIn
and make sure you subscribe to our digital as well as our print
magazine. Did I mention that a subscription is free to decision
makers across the country? Thank you for investing in yourself
by being a loyal reader of our publication.
17853 SANTIAGO BLVD., STE. 107-467
PHONE 714-803-5476
PHONE: 714-803-5476
Fixed Ops Magazine is published by Prism Automotive,
LLC, 17853 Santiago Blvd., Suite 107-467, Villa
Park, CA 92861. Subscriptions are free to qualified
subscribers in the U.S. who are active as fixed operations
directors or service managers of franchised
automobile dealerships. Additional subscriptions are
available at: $30/year/US; $45/year/Canada; $90/year/
other foreign. Single issue price, $10. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to:
Fixed Ops Magazine, 17853 Santiago Blvd.,
Suite 107-467, Villa Park, CA 92861.
Reproduction or use, without express written permission
of publisher, of editorial or graphic content in any
manner is prohibited. The statements and opinions
expressed herein are those of individual authors and
do not necessarily represent the views of Fixed Ops
Magazine or Prism Automotive, LLC. The appearance
of advertisers does not constitute an endorsement of
the products or services featured. All rights reserved.

Fixed Ops Magazine - 2023 Vol20 05

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Fixed Ops Magazine - 2023 Vol20 05

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