FEATURE BY JIM SABINO EMBRACING MOBILE SERVICES A New Era for Fixed Operations: Meet Them Where They Are I n my three decades in the automotive industry I've seen a lot of change. But few things have been as transformative as the advent of mobile services. As a Fixed Operations Director, I've learned that staying ahead of the curve isn't just about adopting new technologies-it's about redefining how we serve our customers. Mobile services have done just that, bringing a level of convenience and flexibility that's reshaping the way we think about fixed ops. A SHIFT TO MOBILE SERVICES DRIVEN BY CUSTOMER NEEDS Let's be honest-the traditional model of having customers bring their cars into the dealership for service is becoming less and less practical. Today's customers value convenience above all else and they expect businesses to meet them where they are. That's exactly what mobile services offer. When we started our mobile service journey three years ago, we were one of only five dealerships in the coun20