FEATURE BY JOSEPH MINNS BLIND SPOTS AND FIXED OPS PROFITABILITY Unmasking the Hidden Factors Affecting Your FixedOps Revenue F ixed Operations is the cornerstone of dealership profitability. To maximize FixedOps performance, it's crucial to understand the complex interplay between labor gross, parts gross, effective labor rates, work-in-process costs, and discounting strategies. Here are some key areas that need your attention. THE TRUE COST OF LABOR & PARTS GROSS The true picture of Labor Gross Profit is more complex than simply subtracting technician wages from labor sales. Many dealerships overlook hidden losses that quietly erode labor gross. Similarly, Parts Gross is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Inventory costs and accuracy are often underestimated yet can significantly drain the parts department's profitability. Parts pricing needs to balance competitiveness with profitability. Relying solely 30