and almost half of U.S. online shoppers using it as a OEM Parts revenue to be made. It is just a matter of platform to start product searches, it is one of the meeting consumers where they are already comfort- ideal places to find ready-to-buy parts shoppers. ably shopping and providing them an optimized cus- * eBay is the second largest player in eCommerce, tomer experience in the process. boasting a shopping network of 177 million buyers. Mike Rich is the Mar- With a car or truck part sold every two seconds, it is keting Director for Rev- the perfect site on which to list parts and accesso- olutionParts, ries that need to be sold quickly. company a that SaaS accel- erates OEM parts and RevolutionParts dealers using these marketplaces accessories generated nearly $50 million in revenue in 2020. That sales for every major automotive number was up almost 39% from 2019. brand. RevolutionParts' core focus is on deliv- FINAL TAKE ering a robust, easy-to- No matter where you look, the numbers all point to- use platform for retail and wholesale parts commerce ward the necessity for dealers to take their Parts De- channels. The RevolutionParts platform powers more partments online. Customers are demanding a digital than $400M in annual sales and reaches millions of shopping option and are not afraid to put their mon- unique buyers globally. For more information, visit ey where their mouths are. There is a huge amount of 22