F EAT U RE PARTS eCOMMERCE GROWTH CONTINUES With No Sign of Slowing Down A uto Parts eCommerce is on the rise and does not show any signs of slowing down. With Hedges & Co. valuing the Automotive Parts eCommerce market at over $16 billion, dealerships that are selling parts online are reaping in huge rewards. In 2020, total parts and accessory sales processed through RevolutionParts alone grew to $421 million, a 28% increase from the previous year. It is no doubt that the pandemic ignited a lot of this growth. According to the latest Digital Commerce 360 Analysis, online consumer spending was actually up a whopping 44% from 2019. KEY FACTORS BEHIND THE CONTINUING GROWTH OF PARTS SALES: Despite most lockdowns ending in the spring of 2020, online parts sales continue to experience significant month-over-month gains. With Parts eCommerce already on its way to achieving a growth rate of 29% this year, this trend is likely to hold for the remainder of 2021. 20 dealerships that are selling parts online are reaping in huge rewards In addition to the pandemic, there are other factors that have driven these consumers online. For one, used cars became more popular as dealerships faced constraints on new vehicle inventory. In tandem with the new vehicle inventory reduction, the economic uncertainty